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Report from WUGC London, Part II



After hanging out with everyone over the course of two more days, we all got to know one another better.

周二一早我们对阵新加坡。 作为亚洲强队,在世界赛上能遇见并有机会打比赛大家也是十分开心的。虽然在刚开始的时候比分一直比较接近但是还是到后来被追上。

On Tuesday morning, we played Singapore. It was a very happy moment for us to meet them on the Worlds stage and to play against them, since they are one of Asia’s strongest teams. The score was tight in the beginning, but they soon closed that gap.

maisy wugc china singapore ultimate

(Despite the loss, we walked away with the best team selfie we’ve taken at this tournament yet.)

下午打丹麦,大家的脸盲症再次发作。人高马大的丹麦人貌似都是一个模子里刻出来的。 选MVP的时候大家头脑也是一片空白。中国队的传统是送二锅头给对方的mvp,这次的丹麦小伙很神奇的5秒内干了一瓶二锅头,我和我的小伙伴们都惊呆了。然而立即,小哥就有点不在状态了,眼神有点飘,开始蹦来蹦去。还好这也是人家当天最后一场比赛,一瓶二锅头就当是比赛后的放松吧。

Our afternoon game was against Denmark. Once again, it was hard for us to distinguish among their tall, strong players, and we just drew a blank when we were trying to pick the MVP. Team China traditionally sends a bottle of liquor to the MVP, and the MVPs that we chose from the Denmark team drank theirs in 5 seconds. We were all stunned. The liquor got to him almost instantly: he was a little off and started going all over the place. Luckily it was also the last game of the day for them, so drinking was one way to let loose.

maisy ultimate wugc denmark

(He started feeling the alcohol almost right away after finishing it in one go) 

不远的另一边是日本的master 队伍。 日本的队伍是公认的有组织有纪律。不论走到哪里都带着他们的标语和旗子。还有完全统一的着装打扮。我们无意间发现他们在场地时是直接换裤子的。他们队伍有帐篷,换衣服时身体面对帐篷,把背影留给大众。 所以在和丹麦打比赛的时候总能听到我们的队友在叫“:天,我又看见了一个屁股!”

No far on the other side was the Japanese masters’ team, widely known for their organization and their discipline. They had their slogan and flag with them wherever they went, along with their fully matching uniforms. We also realized that they just change their shorts right there on the field. Their team has a tent, and whenever they want to change, they just face the tent with the backs to the crowd and change. During the Denmark game, we would regularly hear our teammates yell out, “I’ve seen another butt!”

周三的比赛只有一场。虽然被阿联酋(UAE)打败了比较失落,但是也正是因为如此大家有了机会看了2场十分精彩的比赛。队里的小妹妹Jenny因为前一天晚上喝酒太开心了,今天也一定要求再继续买酒喝。一边喝啤酒一边看精彩的比赛。然而在英国是不可以带着酒瓶出现在赛场的,所以小妹妹和其他人用两个超大的包装酒过来到场地。 为了不被志愿者发现,大家鬼鬼祟祟的围在一起,有人负责放风,有人负责掩护,有人负责把所有的酒打开倒在不同的水杯里。结束后大家还开玩笑说这就是一次成功的团队配合。

We only had one game on Wednesday. Although we lost somewhat badly to the UAE, it gave us the opportunity to watch two very exciting games. The night before, our younger player Jenny had a little bit too much fun drinking, so of course she was asking for more today to be able to drink and watch the games. But in England, you’re not allowed to bring alcohol containers to the fields, so Jenny and the others used an extra-large container to store the beer and bring it over. To prevent the volunteers from finding out, everyone got together in a suspicious-looking circle. One person was responsible for the lookout; one person was responsible for covering up the drinker; and one person was responsible for opening up the beer and pouring it into different cups. We all joked afterward that this was a successful team bonding exercise.

maisy china wugc london beer

(I didn’t have any cups, so I used a Pringles container to hold my beer while watching the games!)

maisy china wugc team

team china corona girls maisy

(最后因为队里的姑娘们都爱喝酒,队长Ken Su还特意画了张画叫“Corona Girls”)
(Our captain Ken Su drew this special drawing for us called “Corona Girls” because all the girls on our team liked to drink)

在看第二场混合组英国打加拿大时看台上的竞争也十分有趣。我的右边原本只有几个英国支持者很开心的在拿着喇叭给英国队加油助威,一般活跃。后来看台上我的左手边来了3个穿香港队队服的亚裔姑娘。 一坐到看台开始就超级兴奋地大喊给加拿大加油,还不段的变换各种很有韵律感的cheers。一开始那3个英国的支持者只是在姑娘们喊完之后立刻播音乐显示英国支持者的存在感。 场上的比赛打得十分激烈,场下的支持者也各自鼓劲和对方的支持者比声音大。观众席上的较量应该最终也是加拿大赢了——因为我们大家走了后每个人脑袋里都是几个姑娘超级有节奏的 “C-A-N-A-D-A———“ 和”THIS-IS-MY-CAPTAIN”.

The mixed division game between Great Britain and Canada was also incredibly exciting. A couple of Great Britain fans were sitting on the right, using horns to cheer for their team. Later three Asian girls wearing Hong Kong jerseys came and sat on my left, and they started enthusiastically cheering for Hong Kong as soon as they sat down. They even regularly pulled out some rhymed cheers. At first, the Great Britain fans would wait until the Hong Kong girls had finished cheering to put on some music to assert their presence. On the field, it was a close and exciting game on the field, while the fans were competing among themselves to be the loudest off the field. I think Canada won in the end in terms of spectators. Even after we all left, we all had the Hong Kong girls’ chants stuck in our heads: “C-A-N-A-D-A———” and “THIS-IS-MY-CAPTAIN.”

maisy china wugc london spectators

(These three Great Britain fans were competing against the Hong Kong girls)


We were originally set to play two games on Thursday, but after the massive downpour on Wednesday night, we received notice first thing Thursday morning that the field situation was too severe and that all the games that day would be cancelled. The hotel lobby was full of players from different countries playing cards, eating, or chatting. We thought that we wouldn’t get a chance to explore downtown, but since the games were cancelled, Team China went into the city to sightsee. We walked around London, saw an exhibition, and ate a huge meal. It was an excellent experience for us to be able to take a misfortune and use it for good.

现在的愿望: 希望场地给力,周五让我们有比赛打。

My wish now is for the fields to shape up and let us play on Friday.

maisy wugc london

(We had actually hoped to play on this rainy day spent wandering London)

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